Tuesday, August 2, 2011

So this is my corner of the internet. This is a place where I'll end up trying to be heard. Because I admit it, I want someone to listen to. I want someone to talk to. But I'm one of those people who seems incapable of figuring out how to do that in their everyday life so they retreat to the bowels of the internet, hoping to get tangled in an appropriate web of interaction.

I'm selfish, and I'm a bitch. I whine too much, and I'm lazy. I'm greedy, and I'm ungrateful. I'm a terrible person, and I kind of really hate myself. And I'm terribly lonely. I'm trying to be a better person, though. It's a slow process, but it's got to count for something, that I'm trying, or I hope it counts.

And I hope very much this doesn't turn into a whine only blog or I may have to delete it.

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